Gebben Miles

Sporting Clays Academy

Sporting Clays Webinars, Video Training Resources, and One-On-One Lessons

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Hours of information to learn at your own pace! Receive access to learn every concept that Gebben has taught and teaches, past and present. Acquire knowledge with exclusive weekly updates of the most effective shooting concepts!

Buy Instructional Videos

Gebben offers an array of training videos to help you master Sporting Clays. Buy Gebben Miles' Basics video which covers all the fundamentals of Sporting Clays or consider a monthly subscription which includes all full length video products as well as new weekly videos.

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Premium Subscriptions

Standard Subscription

$ 30 monthly
  • Available Monthly / Yearly
  • Access to extensive video library
  • Streaming Access to Gebben Miles Basics
  • Streaming Access to Quiet Dust Video

Community Plus Subscription

$ 100 monthly
  • Weekly Virtual Meeting with Gebben
  • Access to All Recorded Webinars
  • Available Monthly / Yearly
  • Access to extensive video library
  • Streaming Access to Gebben Miles Basics
  • Streaming Access to Quiet Dust Video

Computer, DVD, Laptop, Smartphone or iPad

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Whether you have Mac or PC, Android phone or iPhone, tablet or desktop, Sporting Clays Academy has a viewing option for you. Digital Downloads can be streamed online or downloaded to your personal device for offline viewing. Subscription content and Webinars can be streamed wherever you have a cellular or Wifi connection. 

Be the best Shooter you can be

go beyond your limits

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Here Is What They Are Saying

What is in the subscription?

Set Your Goals And Crush Them. Hear From Gebben What's In The Subscription.

Welcome to the Gebben Miles Shooting Academy online experience! Check out our standard subscription for $30/month and our community plus subscription for $100/month.

Let’s get better together!